I am lucky that I have quite a large room to start off with. Downside is it is dark and you sometimes feel like you are in one of those buildings where you are never to sure of what the weather is like outside. Reason being, one side there are trees and bushes and the others is all boarded up so we can actually see the IWB.
My class have played a lot in the decisions that have been made. It is their classroom as well and it shouldn't always be me making all the decisions. We have talked a lot about MLE! I have shown them schools, photos, blogs and even website that sell the furniture!
Part of their home work task was to think about how they could create a MLE with the room we already have.
There ideas can been seen here.
The next part of the process was to #hack the room.
We talked a lot about what we liked/ didn't like about the room. As a teacher, it is always interesting to hear what children think. Most were very insightful and showed me that the class have really taken on board the MLE concept.
Our room before we started can be seen here and here as you can tell it was the standard tables in groups, children had their seat and tray.
After some chatter amongst the class we decided to have about 4 tables up the front for our 'collaborative area' when I need to talk to them as a whole class or group and needed the IWB
As you can see trays were taken away and chairs are placed around the tables. Children also use big cushions to sit on the floor. Behind you can see pink boxes that stored all their books. The red 'bubble' table became a place for them to sit when collaborating in groups and for me to do guided reading as well- although I do still enjoy taking this on the carpet now and then.
As you can see the children then decided to go from groups of 6 to groups of 4. They choose where they placed the tables. I have some to the side by the window as well. We have a red table right at the back beside our quiet area. Although they have already decided they don't like the board there and want to change it for a long hanging piece of material.
I also have two old wooden desks that the children love and use as the 'duo' area.