Monday, 12 June 2017

Being Culturally Responsive

Notes taken while attending the Southwest Cluster Group hosted by Core Education with Gemma Stewart and Dianne Collier.

What is culture?
How do we respond to culture?

Culture is central to learning. It plays a role not only in communicating and receiving information, but also shaping the thinking process of groups and individuals. A pedagogy that acknowledges, responds to and celebrates fundamental cultures offers full, equitable access to education for students from all cultures. Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that recognises the importance of including students’ cultural references in all aspects of learning (Ladson-Billings, 1994)

How do we be responsive for all?
Practice getting it right. Change. Confidence.
Actively work on it. Ever changing. Doing, Being, Thinking.   

Treaty of Waitangi. Four Articles.

Article One: Kawanantanga- Honourable Governance
We have to get it right for our Maori first

What actions are we doing?

Article Two: Rangatiratanga
Maori Self Determination
Maori achieving success as Maori

Children learn best in environments where their identities are valued
What opportunities am I giving them?

Article Three: Oritetanga
What does bi- cultural mean?

Article Four: The spoken Promise
Their culture
My Culture

Our Culture

The next step for me is to ask myself what am I already doing in the classroom to promote this and what do I need to be doing more of. 

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