Friday 27 February 2015

Why are we clock watching?

I have an issue with time these days especially in primary- no exams. Why are we teaching to time limits so much more? #edchatnz
My life revolves around time. I have a set time I get up, set time I wake the kids up and a set time I leave the house if any later my life goes into disarray. I am constantly clock watching whether at home or in school. Everything I do revolves around time!
It wasn’t until #edchat this Thursday about community involvement comments about time- a lack of it, I began to wonder. Why is it we constrain ourselves to time? Being a primary school teacher I don’t really have any time constraint compared to secondary where exams or assignment may play a big part in this restriction.  
It seems to me we are all restricting ourselves more and moaning about how we don’t have enough time. But what is stopping us in the primary sector?
We talk a lot about students learning in their own time, students who aren’t quite there ‘yet’. And we know not everyone learns at the same speed, time or way yet we still insist on this sometimes. National standards dictates our time and decides what students should be doing by a certain year and if not they are considered ‘below the standard’. School Terms dictate us as well. We are always moaning there are never enough weeks to get everything done. Why should the end of a term mean the topic is finished?
Why are we clock watching our education?

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